Yellow-billed Magpie Population Status and Habitat Characteristics in Urban Sacramento, California
Airola, D.A., L.A. Douglas, and L. Airola. 2021. Yellow-billed Magpie population status and habitat characteristics in urban Sacramento, California. Western Birds 52:222–239 doi: 10.21199/WB52.3.3
Breeding Population Status of the Tricolored Blackbird in the Foothills of the Central Sierra Nevada, 2014–2022
Airola, D.A., J. Harris, C. Conard, L.A. Douglas, and E.C. Beedy. 2023. Breeding population status of the Tricolored Blackbird in the foothills of the central Sierra Nevada, 2014–2022. Central Valley Birds 26:53–68
Historical and Current Status of the Greater Roadrunner in the Central Valley and Surrounding Foothills of California
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2025. Historical and Current Status of the Greater Roadrunner in the Central Valley and Surrounding Foothills of California. Central Valley Birds 27:124–151
Winter Abundance Trends for the Oregon Vesper Sparrow in California
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2024. Winter abundance trends for the Oregon Vesper Sparrow in California. Central Valley Birds 27:1–11
Population Trends of the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) Wintering in California
Pandolfino, E.R., L.A. Douglas, and C. Ray. 2024. Population Trends of the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) Wintering in California. Journal of Raptor Research 58:1–10 doi: 10.3356/jrr2370
Changes in Regional Winter Abundance of the Golden-crowned Sparrow Revealed by Christmas Bird Count Data
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2023. Changes in regional winter abundance of the Golden-crowned Sparrow revealed by Christmas Bird Count data. Central Valley Birds 26:97–108
Using Song Dialects to Reveal Migratory Patterns of Ruby-crowned Kinglet Populations
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2023. Using song dialects to reveal migratory patterns of Ruby-crowned Kinglet populations. Journal of Field Ornithology 94:3 doi: 10.5751/JFO-00315-940310
Regional Song Dialects of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2022. Regional song dialects of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Journal of Field Ornithology 93:6 doi: 10.5751/JFO-00120-930206
Continuing Declines of Grassland Birds in California’s Central Valley
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2022. Continuing declines of grassland birds in California’s Central Valley. Central Valley Birds 25: 93–111
Breeding Phenology of Birds in Sacramento County, California
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2021. Breeding phenology of birds in Sacramento County, California. Central Valley Birds 24: 77–108
Using Song Dialects to Assess the Migration Strategy of the Golden-crowned Sparrow
Pandolfino, E.R., and L.A. Douglas. 2021. Using song dialects to assess the migration strategy of the Golden-crowned Sparrow. Western Birds 52:311–321
doi: 10.21199/WB54.2.2
Irruptive Movements of the Black-Chinned Sparrow (Spizella atrogularis) in Response to Variations in Precipitation: Implications for Climate Change Resiliency
Pandolfino, E.R., L.A. Douglas, and C. Ray. 2022. Irruptive movements of the Black-Chinned Sparrow (Spizella atrogularis) in response to variations in precipitation: Implications for climate change resiliency. Western Wildlife 9:24–37
Vocalizations and Bill Measurements May Resolve Some Questions about Taxonomic Relationships within the Fox Sparrow Complex
Pandolfino, E.R., L.A. Douglas, and P. Pyle. 2023. Vocalizations and bill measurements may resolve some questions about taxonomic relationships within the Fox Sparrow complex. Western Birds 54:117–132 doi: 10.21199/WB54.2.2